
Permanent and Landscaped Labyrinths in Universities and Colleges: An International Index

This new Index, first published 2021, is designed to support the growing interest in labyrinths in further and higher education, as a resource for quiet contemplation and reflection; for teaching and learning; for creativity and wellbeing. It comprises an introduction and a user guide followed by the Index itself, a detailed listing of over 260 labyrinths in college and university settings and in research settings such as field study centres, in 18 countries.

Part 1: Introduction – available to download here

Part 2: User Guide and Index – updated September 2023 – available to download here

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Books, Articles, DVDs & Websites


Learning with the Labyrinth: Creating reflective space in higher education
By Jan Sellers and Bernard Moss (eds), published in April 2016 by Palgrave Teaching and Learning Series, Palgrave Macmillan as part of their Teaching and Learning in Higher Education series. Details on the Bloomsbury Website.

Working with the Labyrinth: Paths for Exploration
Packed full of advice and ideas on working with labyrinths in many different contexts. Editors: Ruth Sewell, Jan Sellers and Di Williams. Published by Wild Goose, 2012.

Creativity in the Classroom
Includes my own chapter on teaching and learning with the labyrinth:  ‘The Labyrinth: A journey of discovery.’ Paul McIntosh and Digby Warren (eds.): Creativity in the Classroom: Case Studies in Using the Arts in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Now available as an E-book. Published by Intellect, Bristol, 2013.

Creative Campus: Using creativity in educational development
Louise Naylor and Jan Sellers. Article in Educational Developments, pp.1-5, 15.1, March 2014. London: SEDA. The ‘creative campus’ includes the Canterbury Labyrinth. Available online from SEDA.

Touching the Earth Lightly
My article describing two labyrinths, one of light, the other of shadow, was published in Labyrinth Pathways 14 in October 2020. The article is available here in PDF format.

Extinction Rebellion: What path are we on?
Published in Labyrinth Pathways 13, October 2019 (membership journal,

The Earthquake and the Spirit
My article on the Christchurch labyrinth in New Zealand was published in Caerdroia 47 in May 2018. 

A Labyrinth Quest in Northern France
Published in Labyrinth Pathways 12, October 2018 (membership journal,

Labyrinths in Use: Universities and Colleges
Web pages (lead editor), revised 2018, for The Labyrinth Society. Details on the TLS website.

Hidden Treasures: Chapters about Labyrinths, in “Non-Labyrinth” Books
My study of chapters concerning labyrinths appearing in recent books that might otherwise be overlooked was published in Caerdroia 46 in July 2017. A PDF and supplement to this paper is available here.

Labyrinths for our Time
Includes ‘Labyrinths in Universities’ [interview]. Introductory DVD: Labyrinths in many different contexts. The Labyrinth Society, 2010. Details on the TLS website.

Exploring the Labyrinth
Article in Educational Developments, pp.15-16, 10.1, February 2009. London: SEDA. Available online from SEDA.

Earlier Labyrinth Papers and Presentations

2013. Workshop at “Happenings and Knowledge Promenades: Working Cross Discipline.” Arts University Bournemouth/Higher Education Academy. 17 December. Details available here.

2013. “Labyrinths and Learning.” Presentation, Writtle Learning and Teaching Conference, Writtle College, 16 July.

2013. Contemplative Teaching, Contemplative Learning: A SEDA Day School (Staff and Educational Development Association) in collaboration with the University of Westminster. Guest speaker: Introducing the labyrinth as a contemplative resource for students and staff. University of Westminster, London. 7 June.

2013. “The Labyrinth in Britain, Past to Present.” A Labyrinth Society event. Guest speaker, discussing the growing use of labyrinths in educational settings. Quiet View, Kingston, Canterbury, 25 May.

2013. “MultipliCities.” Cass Business School/MotiRoti. Guest speaker, exploring themes of walking, the city, the labyrinth and learning. March – April.

2012. Conference paper and labyrinth installation at “The Cave of the Heart: Contemplation, Mindfulness and Social Renewal.” Conference. InSpiRe: Centre for Initiatives in Spirituality and Reconciliation, St. Mary’s College, Twickenham, Surrey. 29-30 June.

2012. “Supporting Student Transition: A labyrinth journey.” Workshop. SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference, Chester. 18 May. Details at SEDA website.

2012. “Exploring the Labyrinth.” Workshop on behalf of the Retreat Association, Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham. 19 July.

2011. “Discovering the Labyrinth.” Workshop. Association for University and College Counselling, Annual Conference, Stone, Staffordshire. 24 June.

2011. “The Labyrinth: A pathway for our times.” Public lecture (guest speaker). St Giles Cripplegate Church, Barbican, City of London. 20 April.

2011. “Quiet Space: The labyrinth as a resource for student development.” Workshop and conference labyrinth installation, Student Lifewide Development Symposium, Aston University, Birmingham. Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training/Centre for Recording Achievement. 1 March.

2010. “The Labyrinth: A reflective journey.” Paper and conference labyrinth installation. Higher Education Academy, Annual Conference, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield. (National Teaching Fellows’ strand). 22 June.

2010. “Teaching and Learning with the Labyrinth.” Poster and conference labyrinth installation. Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, 7th Annual Conference, Nottingham Trent University. 29-31 March.

2009. “Walking the Labyrinth.” Workshop. Art, Design and Media Learning and Teaching Creative Practice, HEA-ADM Subject Centre: Learning and Teaching Day. Southampton Solent University Conference Centre. 9 July.

2009. “The Labyrinth as Journey.” Workshop with Patricia Debney. National Association of Writers in Education, Conference. Chilworth Manor, Southampton. 13-15 November.

2009. “Walking the Labyrinth: Exploring ways forward.” Workshop and conference labyrinth installation, Middlesex University: The Dynamics of Difference, Learning and Teaching Conference. 1 July.

2009. “Quiet Time, Quiet Space: Use of the labyrinth to foster reflection.” Poster and workshop at: Association for Learning Development in Higher Education, Annual Conference, Bournemouth University.

2008. “At the Heart of the Labyrinth: Reflecting on our values.” Workshop and conference labyrinth installation. 13th Annual SEDA Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 18-19 November.

2008: “Time and Space for Reflection: Bringing a Labyrinth to the University of Kent.” Poster. Learning Development in Higher Education Network Symposium, University of Bradford, March 17-18.

Research on Women’s Career Development

Sellers, Jan. 2007. “Imaging ‘Career’: Part-time working, full-time living.” in Pamela Cotterill, Sue Jackson and Gayle Letherby (eds), Challenges and Negotiations for Women in Higher Education. Lifelong Learning Book Series 9. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Sellers, Jan. 2005c. “Walking the Tightrope: experiences of women part time tutors.” in Margaret Herrington and Alex Kendall (eds) Insights from Research and Practice. A Handbook for Adult Literacy Educators in Post Compulsory Education. Leicester: NIACE.

Sellers, Jan. 2001. “Constructing a Working Life: The career patterns of contemporary women part-time tutors and lecturers in Adult and Continuing Education.” Doctoral thesis (unpublished), University of Kent.

Sellers, Jan. 1998. “Juggling for a Living: The working lives of women adult education tutors.” in Roseanne Benn, Jane Elliott and Patricia Whaley (eds), Educating Rita and her Sisters: Women and continuing education. Leicester: NIACE.

Student Learning Development and Retention Initiatives

2003: Sellers, Jan and Van der Velden, Gwen. “Supporting Student Retention.” [Continuing Professional Development Series no.5]. York: LTSN Generic Centre.

2003: Van der Velden, Gwen and Sellers, Jan. [Contribution to Project Report]. In: Anne Hilton. Saving our Students (SoS): Embedding successful projects across institutions. Project Report,  pp.5-8. LTSN Generic Centre, 26 March 2003, York.

Related conference papers and presentations:

2010: “Creative Campus: Campus as Classroom.” Creativity in Professional Practice Research Network. Contributor and lead for planning team. Day seminar at Kent highlighting Creative Campus initiatives. 19 May.

2010: “Creative Campus: A new approach to educational change.” Workshop with Louise Naylor, and conference labyrinth installation. SEDA Annual Conference, Chester. 16-17 November.

2007: “Creative Takeaways/Plats Créatifs à Emporter.” Supporting student learning’ bilingual workshop sequences 1-2 and 3-4. LINKS+II European Project Creativity in Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Sussex, June 21.

2007: “Developing Study Skills: Exploring Kent’s ‘VALUE’ Programme.” Guest speaker. Universities UK/Guild HE, Student Retention and Progression in Higher Education Conference, London, February 26.

2006: “Student Retention: A ‘hope-fulfilling process?” Keynote speaker. AimHigher East London and Thames Gateway, Student Retention Conference, London, March 21.

2005: “Learning in Teams” seminar. European Council for International Schools Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, November 17-20.

2005: “Encounters with Inspiration” workshop. Inspiring Learning: Diversity and Excellence, SEDA/AISHE Joint Spring Conference, Belfast, April.

2005: Keynote speaker. “Reflective Learning: Student Retention Initiatives at the University of Kent.” Student Success and Satisfaction Conference, Middlesex University Business School February 23.

2005: “Sharing Good Practice in Student Retention.” Workshop with Caroline Cash. Working for Students’ Success, 2nd LDHEN Symposium, University of Northumbria.

2004: Invited speaker (case study of good practice). “Innovate to Retain: The Student Experience.” Conference. University of the Arts, London. November 5.

2004: Invited speaker. “Student Retention.” University of East London Staff Development Seminar, Expert Speaker Series. November 24.

2004: “Student Retention Support at the University of Kent.” Workshop. Staying Power: Supporting Student Retention and Success Conference, University of Teeside.

2004: “Reflections on a Collaborative Approach to Student Retention.” Workshop with Janet Carter and Gwen van der Velden. SEDA Spring Conference, Cardiff, 29-31 March.

2004: “The Use of Structured Interviews in Supporting Students at Risk of Failure.” Paper. 3rd Holistic Approaches to Student Support and Guidance Conference, University of Central Lancashire.

2003: “Keeping Students in Higher Education.” Workshop. 2nd Holistic Approaches to Student Support and Guidance Conference, University of Central Lancashire, June.


My poetry has been published in a variety of books and journals including:

1999: Lilian Mohin (ed), Not for the Academy: Lesbian poets. London: Onlywomen.

1998: Gillian Spraggs (ed), Love Shook My Senses: Lesbian love poems. London: Women’s Press.

1993: Melanie Silgardo and Janet Beck (eds), Virago New Poets. London: Virago.

1992: Jill Dawson (ed), The Virago Book of Wicked Verse. London: Virago.