“Hidden Treasures: Chapters about Labyrinths
in ‘Non-Labyrinth’ Books”
Published in Caerdroia 46 (2017)
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A ‘Companion’ Reference List by Dr. Jan Sellers
This online reference list is the companion to my article, “Hidden Treasures: Chapters about Labyrinths, in ‘Non-Labyrinth’ Books”, published in Caerdroia 46, 2017.
The list includes a wide range of books, from many contexts.
- None of the books are primarily about labyrinths or mazes.
- Each of the books includes a chapter about labyrinths, or a helpful discussion embedded in a chapter.
I have gathered this list haphazardly, coming across books that are often well outside my interest areas, but thinking that – sooner or later – someone might find something useful here. Such material can be hard to track down, so this is an accumulation of ‘hidden treasures’ including (at the time of writing) over 30 such chapters. Twenty of these chapters are briefly reviewed in the above article in Caerdroia 46: copies of the journal are available from Labyrinthos.
I have read most, but not all, of these chapters: please note that this is not a list of recommendations. It is compiled to raise awareness of a growing literature and in the hopes that some of the studies and discussions mentioned here may be of value to readers and researchers across a very wide range of interests. Readers searching for books about labyrinths will find suggestions on the resources and publications pages of this website.
What’s included?
The focus is on contemporary publications (20th and 21st century) rather than accounts from the more distant past.
The list includes chapters about labyrinths, or books where there is a useful discussion embedded within a chapter, such as a labyrinth-related case study. For ease of reference, I have included the relevant chapter titles, for monographs as well as for edited collections.
What’s missing?
I will be glad to hear from readers about potential additions to the list, which will be updated from time to time (but cannot promise to include everything). Contact me here.
This list is specifically based on books and does not include other material. The Labyrinth Society’s Research Bibliography lists journal articles, theses, postgraduate projects and similar research about labyrinths. Readers are warmly encouraged to use this freely available resource and to send any additions to the Society’s Research Chair, for inclusion in the next edition of the Research Bibliography.
“Hidden Treasures” Reference List (as of July 2017)
Barbezat, Daniel P. and Mirabai Bush. 2013. “Contemplative Movement.” In Contemplative Practices in Higher Education: Powerful Methods to Transform Teaching and Learning, ch8, 159-173. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bickel, Barbara, Medwyn McConachy and Nane Jordan. 2015. “Wombwalks: Re-Attuning with the m/Other.” In Creating Together: Participatory, Community-Based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship across Canada, edited by Diane Conrad and Anita Sinner, Part III, 161-178. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Bloos, Ingrid. 2005. “Using a Labyrinth in Spiritual Care.” In Spirituality and Health: Multidisciplinary Explorations, edited by Augustine Meier, Thomas St James O’Connor and Peter L. VanKatwik, ch.10, 149-165. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Brau, Karen, Tom Stoner and Jerry Waters. 2008. “Amazing Port Street Sacred Commons.” In Open Spaces Sacred Spaces, edited by Tom Stoner and Carolyn Rapp, ch.2, 34-49. Annapolis, USA: TKF Foundation.
Buchanan, Jim [text] and Pollok-Morris, Allan [photographs]. 2008. “54°N 5°W. Jim Buchanan: Labyrinths, Sandyhills, Dumfriesshire.” In Close: A Journey in Scotland, by Allan Pollok-Morris, 16-23, Northfield Print (now Northfield Editions, Tetbury, Gloucestershire. See also second edition, below, with revised text and photographs).
Buchanan, Jim [text] and Pollok-Morris, Allan [photographs]. 2010. “54°N. Jim Buchanan: Labyrinths, Sandyhills, Dumfriesshire.” In Close: Landscape Design and Land Art in Scotland, by Allan Pollok-Morris, 11-21 (and cover illustration). Tetbury, Gloucestershire: Northfield Editions [2nd edition].
Budd, Christopher J. and Christopher J. Sangwin. 2000. “Amazing Mazes.” In Mathematics Galore! Masterclasses, Workshops and Team Projects in Mathematics and its Applications, ch.1, 9-36. New York: Oxford University Press.
Compton, Vanessa J. 2002. “The Labyrinth: Site and Symbol of Transformation.” In Expanding the Boundaries of Transformative Learning: Essays on Theory and Praxis, edited by Edmund V. O’Sullivan, Amish Morrell and Mary Ann O’Connor, ch.9, 103-120. New York: Palgrave.
Grace, Fran. 2011. “From Content to Context to Contemplation: One Professor’s Journey.” In Meditation and the Classroom: Contemplative Pedagogy for Religious Studies, edited by Judith Simmer-Brown and Fran Grace, ch.5, 47-64. SUNY Series in Religious Studies. New York: SUNY Press.
Hufford-Anderson, Caroline, Geof Lindstrom and Tom Stoner. 2008. “Whitman-Walker Healing Garden.” In Open Spaces Sacred Spaces, edited by Tom Stoner and Carolyn Rapp, ch.5, 81-93. Annapolis, USA: TKF Foundation.
Ingold, Tim (2013). “The Maze and the Labyrinth: Reflections of a Fellow-Traveller.” In Christopher Watts (ed.), Relational Archaeologies: Humans, Animals, Things, ch.13, 245-249. Routledge, Abingdon.
Ingold, Tim. 2013. “The Maze and the Labyrinth: Walking and the Education of Attention.” Introduction to Walk On: From Richard Long to Janet Cardiff – 40 Years of Art Walking, Mike Collier, Cynthia Morrison-Bell and Alistair Robinson, 7-11. University of Sunderland: Art Editions North [exhibition].
Ingold, Tim. 2015. “The Maze and the Labyrinth.” In The Life of Lines, ch.25, 130-3. Abingdon: Routledge.
Ingold, Tim. 2015. “Education and Attention.” In The Life of Lines, ch.26, 134-7. Abingdon: Routledge.
Ingold, Tim. 2016. “The Maze and the Labyrinth: Walking, Imagination and the Education of Attention”. In Psychology and the Conduct of Everyday Life, edited by Ernst Schraube and Charlotte Højholt, ch.4, 99-110. Hove, Sussex and New York: Routledge.
James, Alison and Stephen Brookfield. 2014. “Playing Seriously: Legos and Labyrinths.” In Engaging Imagination: Helping Students Become Creative and Reflective Thinkers, ch.6, 115-138. London and New York: Jossey Bass. [See also:]
Jones, Janice K. 2013. “Into the Labyrinth: Persephone’s Journey as Metaphor and Method for Research.” In Metaphors for, in and of Education Research, edited by Warren Midgley, Karen Trimmer and Andy Davies, ch.5, 66-90. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Kees, Nathalie. 2010. “Contemplative Practices in Counseling and Education: A Course in Nonviolent Intervention for Counselors and Teachers.” In Edward J. Brantmeier, Jing Lin and John P. Miller, Spirituality, Religion and Peace Education, ch.9, 149-62. Charlotte, N. Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
Knowles, Sally S. and Barbara Grant. 2014. “Walking the Labyrinth: The Holding Embrace of Academic Writing Retreats.” In Writing Groups for Doctoral Education and Beyond: Innovations in Practice and Theory, edited by Claire Aitchinson and Cally Guerin, ch.8, 110–127. Abingdon, Oxford and New York: Routledge.
Lynn, Antonia. 2010. “Prayer in the Streets: The Labyrinth as Symbol and Tool for an Urban Prayer Life.” In Discovering the Spirit in the City, edited by Andrew Walker and Aaron Kennedy, ch.2, 16-27. London: Continuum.
Midgley, Warren and Karen Trimmer. 2013. “‘Walking the Labyrinth:’ A Metaphorical Understanding of Approaches to Metaphors for, in and of Education.” In Metaphors for, in and of Education Research, edited by Warren Midgley, Karen Trimmer and Andy Davis, ch.1, 1-9. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Marcus, Clare Cooper and Naomi Sach. 2014. “General Design Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities.” in Therapeutic Landscapes: An evidence-based approach to designing healing gardens and restorative outdoor spaces, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA and Canada: Wiley (discussion within ch.6, 56-90).
Marcus, Clare Cooper and Naomi Sach. 2014. “Gardens for Veterans and Active Service Personnel.” in Therapeutic Landscapes: An evidence-based approach to designing healing gardens and restorative outdoor spaces, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA and Canada: Wiley (discussion within ch.13, 206-221).
Marcus, Clare Cooper and Naomi Sach. 2014. “Restorative Gardens in Public Spaces.” in Therapeutic Landscapes: An evidence-based approach to designing healing gardens and restorative outdoor spaces, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA and Canada: Wiley (case study within ch.15, 246-8).
O’Rourke, Karen. 2013. “When Walking Becomes Mapping: Labyrinths, Songlines.” In Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers, ch.5, 101-122. Cambridge, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Paine, Crispin. 2004. “Grey’s Court: The Winding Path.” In Sacred Places, 54-5. London: National Trust Enterprises.
Ruminski, Elesha L. and Annette M. Holba. 2012. “Afterword.” In Communicative Understandings of Women’s Leadership Development: From Ceilings of Glass to Labyrinth Paths, edited by Elesha L. Ruminski and Annette M. Holba, 209-216. Landham, MD: Lexington Books.
Sellers, Jan. 2013. “The Labyrinth: A Journey of Discovery.” In Creativity in the Classroom: Case Studies in Using the Arts in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, edited by Paul McIntosh and Digby Warren, ch.15, 209-223. UK, Bristol: Intellect. USA, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Sharp, Jack and Tom Stoner. 2008. “ThanksGiving Place.” In Open Spaces Sacred Spaces, edited by Tom Stoner and Carolyn Rapp, ch.12, 171-183. Annapolis, USA: TKF Foundation.
Shelton-Colangelo, Sharon and Mimi Duvall. 2007. “Circles of Learning in the Women’s Studies Class.” In Teaching with Joy: Educational Practices for the Twenty-First Century, edited by Sharon Shelton-Colangelo, Carolina Mancuso and Mimi Duvall. USA, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield (case study within ch.2, 39-44).
Solnit, Rebecca. 2002. “Labyrinths and Cadillacs: Walking into the Realm of the Symbolic.” In Wanderlust: A History of Walking, ch.5, 64-78. London: Verso [paperback edition].
Sternberg, Esther M. 2010. “Mazes and Labyrinths.” In Healing Spaces: The Science of Space and Wellbeing, ch.5, 95-124. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press [paperback edition].
Taylor, Barbara Brown. 2009. “The Practice of Walking on the Earth.” In An Altar in the World: Finding the Sacred Beneath our Feet, ch.4, 53-68. Norwich: Canterbury Press.
Trwoga, Chris. 2013. “The Magic of Labyrinths.” In The Power of Outdoor Learning: 107 Lesson Plans & Projects for Schools, ch.2, 52-76. Somerset Natural Learning Academy, UK: Winding Road Books. [See also:].
Trwoga, Chris. 2013. “The Power of Labyrinths.” In The Power of Outdoor Learning: 107 Lesson Plans & Projects for Schools, ch.3, 77-94. Somerset Natural Learning Academy, UK: Winding Road Books. [See also:].
Wasko-Flood, Sandra. 2011. “Labyrinths for Creativity and Peace in Schools.” In Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds. The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators: Part II. Teacher Education Yearbook XIX, edited by Cheryl J. Craig and Louise F. Deretchin, ch.8, 144-159. Lanham, Maryland: Rowan and Littlefield Education in partnership with Association of Teacher Educators.
Wright, Stephen G. and Jean Sayre-Adams. 2000. “Pathways to the Sacred.” Sacred Space: Right Relationship and Spirituality in Healthcare, ch.4, 63-114. London: Churchill Livingstone. (A second edition of Sacred Space: Right Relationship and Spirituality in Healthcare is now available (Wright and Sayre-Adam, 2009): see
Potential addendum (not yet checked)
Andrén, Anders. 2006. “A World of Stone: Warrior culture, hybridity, and Old Norse cosmology.” In Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives: Origins, Changes and Interactions, edited by Anders Andrén, Kristina Jennbert and Catharina Raudvere, 33-38. Lund, Sweden: Nordic Academic Press.
Jan Sellers, London, UK.
Updated: July 2017